
Check academic manuscripts, instantly

  • Integrates with publishing platforms

  • Transparent results

  • Comprehensive, configurable checks

  • Simple, affordable pricing

I was very impressed - it was fantastic to have a product check references and match my manuscript to the journal requirements.
— Author submitting to Addiction, University of Cincinnati

Instantly ensure manuscripts meet journal requirements.

  • Enable automated checks within your manuscript handling software.

  • Speed up publication by helping editors make decisions.

  • Delight authors by giving them immediate, helpful feedback.

  • See top level results within your publishing software or a full, annotated and interactive report.

Available to journals using Manuscript Manager. If your journal uses Editorial Manager or ScholarOne you can


Comprehensive, configurable checks

Decide which of our 30+ checks to run, which are critical, and customise the feedback given to editors and authors on a journal-by-journal basis.

No black box

Checks are linked to the relevant marked-up sections of text, so users can see how the result was reached. A description of each check is below, or you can view our developer documentation to see the pass and fail criteria.


Simple, affordable pricing

All prices include access to our full suite of checks and meta data extraction.

Annual Submissions < 500 501 - 1000 1001 - 2500 2501 - 5000 5000 +
Cost per submission £1.50 £1.20 £1.00 £0.80 £0.80
Price for full suite of checks
(Annual, excl VAT)
£750 £1,350 £2,850 £4,850 Custom



Ethics Ethical approval section Is there a dedicated section for ethical approval? Does its title and position match journal requirements?
Ethical approval statement Is ethical approval addressed? Either in an ethics statement section or in the methods.
Ethical approval board named Is the ethical review board named?
Informed consent For research involving people, do the authors address informed consent?
Declarations Conflict of Interest Does a conflict of interest section exist? Does its title and position match journal requirements?
Data sharing Does a data sharing statement exist? Does its title and position match journal requirements?
Author contributions Does an author contributions section exist? Does its title and position match journal requirements?
Funding section Does a funding section exist? Does its title and position match journal requirements?
Title page Authors present Are authors named?
Author email addresses Are there author email addresses, and are these institutional?
Corresponding author Is a corresponding author named?
Institutions Are author institutions included?
Word count Is a word count provided?
Keywords Are keywords provided?
Running Head Is a running head provided?
Abstract Abstract present Does the manuscript include an abstract?
Structured / unstructured Is the abstract divided into subheadings or not, as per journal requirements?
Specific abstract subheadings Has the author included all necessary abstract subheadings, as per journal requirements?
Specific abstract subheadings for systematic reviews and clinical trials Does the abstract structure match PRISMA / CONSORT guidelines?
Structure Required headings Does the main body include all required sections and headings, as per journal requirements for the article type?
Figures and Tables In or out of manuscript If figures or tables are referenced in the text, are they present/absent in the manuscript, as per journal requirements?
Do mentions match legends? Do all figures and tables mentioned in the text have an associated legend, and vice versa.
Ascending IDs Are figures and tables mentioned in ascending numerical order?
Referencing Style Has the author used a numerical or named citation style, as per journal guidelines?
Do citations and references match? Do all citations appear in the reference list, and vice versa?
Order Do numerical citations appear in ascending order? Do named references appear in alphabetic order?
Supplementary materials Does the author refer to supplementary materials or an appendix?
Counts Article Word Count Is the article word count within journal limits?
Abstract Word Count Is the abstract word count within journal limits?
References Count Are the number of references within journal limits?
Table and Figure Counts Are the number of tables or figures within journal limits?
File Cleanliness Track Changes Is the file free from track changes?
Endnote Is the free from Endnote citations?
Meta data Title The title extracted from the title page.
Page Numbers Has the author included page numbers.
Double line spacing Has the author used double line spacing?
Registered Trademarks Has the author referred to any trademarked materials?